How to Keep Rodents Out of Your Attic?

Attics aren’t frequented by humans or pets and rodents such as rats and mice like to nest in secluded places. Therefore, besides your basement and garage, the attic is likely to be high on the hit list of rodents searching for food, water, and warm shelter.
Once in your attic, rats and mice tunnel through insulation and rooflines to have ready escape routes and access pathways at their disposal to get to the pantry, wall-voids, electrical conduits, utility pipes, and crawl spaces.
Even a seemingly minor rat problem can spiral into a full-blown infestation. This is why experts recommend early rat control.
The good news is that it is possible to keep rodents out of your attic. Here in this post, we share a compilation of the top three tips on how to protect your attic from rodents.
Tip #1 to Have Rodent Free Attic: Sanitation
Even if rodents such as rats and mice do not find easy access to attics, basements, and garages, they may dig new entry points or widen a small hole to get inside. So, make sure to take all steps necessary to avoid attracting rodents to your home.
Sanitation is the first and most important step towards having a rodent-free attic.
Make sure that you:
- Remove or organize the clutter in your attic.
- Do not keep books, papers, photographs, clothes, cardboard boxes, etc. out in open in the attic. Roof rats shred such materials with their incisor teeth to build nests where they birth more babies.
- Place the compost bin as far away from the building structure as possible.
- Use a sturdy garbage bin with airtight lid; avoid placing garbage in polythene bags outside your home.
- Avoid leaving pet food and water bowls out in the open at night.
- Avoid leaving breadcrumbs on countertops or food items in and around the attic.
Tip #2 to Have Rodent Free Attic: Landscaping
Roof rats and squirrels are great climbers. They can easily climb into your attic or sneak in through crevices. Therefore, it is advisable to undertake proper lawn maintenance.
- Prune all overgrown tree branches that could provide easy access to roof rats and squirrels to roof, chimney and vents. Trim back tree branches and shrubs hanging over the roofline at least four feet from the building.
- Get rid of overgrown vegetation in your lawn; rodents nest in and around the bushes and flower beds.
- Remove dry leaves, weeds, debris, papers, woodpiles, etc. from your own lawn; these are excellent nesting materials for rodents looking to camp in and around your home.
Tip #3 to Have Rodent Free Attic: Inspection & Exclusion
Carefully inspect the attic, roof, ceiling, building foundation, plumbing, doors, windows, fireplaces, vents, and electrical conduits for the presence of tiny holes or gaps.
Rodents often use such entry points to gain access to a building.
If you do not seal potential rodent entry points, rats and mice will keep getting inside regardless of whether you set traps or use rodent repellents.
Ideally, you should:
- Seal all openings bigger than a quarter-inch with mesh or steel wool. Put caulk around the steel wool to make sure it remains in place.
- Avoid closing gaps with pieces of wood or cardboard; roof rats can easily chew through these materials but they cannot get through steel wool.
- Use cement, metal sheets, or hardware cloth in order to seal large gaps.
- Use a sealant to stop all airflow through a small hole; the scent of food from inside the home can motivate rats or mice to repeatedly chew on it to get in.
- Check if all door and window screens fit correctly; if required, use door sweeps.
Materials required for sealing rodent entry points can be found online or at a local hardware store. However, it is best if you rely upon a rodent control company for professional-grade repairs.
Final Words
Rodent invasions happen all through the year but it is especially important to protect your home from rodents during the winter season.
Whether it’s a rat or mice infestation, can be judged by the signs but keep in mind that DIY rodent control methods hardly work.
When you notice the signs such as squeaking noise during the night, droppings, urine marks, strained pathways, foul odor, gnaw marks, shredded nesting material, etc. in and around the attic, it’s time to contact rodent control specialists for cost-effective and one-time treatment.
If you live in an area known to have rodent infestations or your neighbors have had such issues in the past, it is a good idea to consider rodent-proofing your house. After all, prevention is better than cure.